*This map represents only the DO-Touch.NET members who have agreed to have their information shared.
Membership is open to physicians and clinicians who provide osteopathic manipulation to their patients. General membership meetings are held annually.
Member Benefits
– Opportunity to influence the direction of research investigating OMM and improving clinical care
– Reports on outcomes of interest to participating providers to promote quality improvement
– Access to data for development of approved research studies
– Support advancement of validation of the impact of OMT in patient care
– Discounted continuing medical education credits
– Participate in annual general membership meetings
– Participate in a stimulating community dedicated to advancing medicine
Member Requirements
– Completion of member registration forms
– Support ongoing education and development of network
– Commitment to collection of data following network study protocol
– Participate in at least one DO-Touch.NET sponsored research study every five years
Defining Membership:
GOLD MEMBERS: Eligible for a 50% discount on continuing education credits at qualifying DO-Touch.NET events.
- Up-to-date membership information
- Attend one “Let’s Talk About OMM Research!” webinar in the previous 12 months
- Present at the “Let’s Talk About OMM Research!” webinar in the previous 12 months
- Attend the DO-Touch.NET Annual Membership Meeting
- Participate in research or contribute to a study within the last 3 years.
SILVER MEMBERS: Eligible for a 25% discount on continuing education credits at qualifying DO-Touch.NET events.
- Up-to-date membership information
- Member, a clinician currently practicing and providing OMM/OMT within or outside the United States.
- Student, training to be a clinician of OMM/OMT
- Affiliate, non-clinician supporting the work of DO-Touch.NET
Current Membership Data:
Number of Members: 537
Number of Countries: 21
Number of US Members: 255
Number of International Members: 183
Number of Student Members: 81
Number of Affiliate Members: 18
Research Participation:
Participating physicians at each site promote the success of the program at their agency by providing participant conditions and treatment information. Additionally, each year, participating physicians complete a background questionnaire sharing information about their education and training.
Patient participation in the research network is critical to the success of the program. Willing patients voluntarily share information during the office visit with the research assistant who enters it into an electronic data collection system. Patients complete a brief follow-up questionnaire for seven days after their visit. This information is also entered into the data collection system.
The collected data is routinely evaluated and analyzed. Reports are developed periodically to share information with members. Published articles will be shared with the medical community and translated for use in the clinical environment to provide evidence-based quality care for patients seeking OMT.

Please contact us at dotouchnet@atsu.edu if you have any questions.