DO-Touch.NET has been contributing resources to help clinicians and their patients manage their lives during this challenging COVID-19 pandemic. After sharing one of our earlier posts, a viewer asked about techniques that someone could do by oneself to help the body resist or recover from an infection.
Continue reading Four simple activities to help fight infectionsCategory Archives: Opportunities
PBRN Annual Meeting 2020
(Colorado Springs, Colorado) DO-Touch.NET Practice-Based Research Network’s (PBRN) 2020 annual meeting was held on 2020.03.11 just before the start of the 2020 AAO Convocation in Colorado. Discussions included the use of Patient-reported outcomes in clinical settings and the launch of the PBRN’s Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment Effectiveness and Safety Patient Registry (OESPRY). The slides for the four hours of CME eligible courses are linked below for our members.
Continue reading PBRN Annual Meeting 2020Earn up to 4 hours of AOA Category 1-A credits at the DO-Touch.NET Annual Meeting and Educational Seminar
Measuring the Impacts of OMM: Patient-reported Outcomes in the Clinical Setting
Just prior to the AAO Convocation, DO-Touch.NET will host our Annual Meeting on Wednesday morning (March 11, 2020; 8:00 AM-12:00 PM). During this meeting we will be introducing our new study, the OMT Effectiveness and Safety Patient Registry (OESPRY), scheduled to launch in 2020. This event provides details on patient reported outcomes and the importance of integrating them into an OMM practice and will provide up to 4 hours of AOA Category 1-A credits. We hope you can attend!
For more information and registration please go to:

Submit your own Technique of the Month video
Calling all DO-Touch.NET members!!! We would like all of you to participate in our technique classification series by submitting your own DO-Touch.NET video. Please remember that we have recently changed the protocols for the video recording of techniques and each video should include the the following 3 W’s.
Continue reading Submit your own Technique of the Month videoSchedule Your ASO Now!
Many of you have expressed an interest in an Advancing Skills in Osteopathy (ASO) Course specific for your organization/program/residency. We would like to identify and schedule those requests for the 2020 calendar year. In case you are not familiar, the Advancing Skills in Osteopathy (ASO) Program is a novel continuing education program that provides participants the most advanced series of training courses in palpation world-wide. The goal of the ASO program is to provide objective feedback using state-of-the-art instrumentation to assist motivated and skilled clinicians in osteopathic principles and practices. This course will refine and standardize clinicians’ skills and provide a personal, motivational experience of osteopathic history.
The ASO program features extensive hands-on training dedicated to providing objective feedback on the accuracy of each participant’s palpatory skills. Participants will develop strategies to improve performance and interpretation of techniques through mentorship with faculty, peer critique and self-directed learning with calibrated models. These courses range from 15-30 hours and will accommodate from 7 to 12 attendees. CME credit is available, but will need to be requested when the program is booked.
If you represent a department, organization, or residency that would like to attend one of our courses during a specific time, please let us know. We would be happy to design a program that would fit into your schedule and your individual learning objectives.
We will be completing our 2020 ASO schedule by November 1, 2019, and dates will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. To reserve dates for your group’s ASO, please contact Lisa Norman at 660-626-2443 or
Join DO-Touch.NET!
If you would like to become a member of DO-Touch.NET, take a picture of this QR code on your phone to link easily to our Membership Registration Form or click on the membership tab above.
Residency Research Enrichment Program announced
Occurring just prior to the AAO Convocation on Tuesday evening (March 12, 2019; 6:30 PM—9:00 PM at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, FL), DO-Touch.NET will sponsor a special research enrichment program highlighting novel approaches to advance research capacity within osteopathic residencies. This is a free catered event
Join us at the 2019 Annual Meeting!
Just prior to the AAO Convocation, DO-Touch.NET will host our Annual Meeting on Wednesday morning (March 13, 2019; 7:30 AM-12:00 PM) highlighting the research activities, study results, and new initiatives developed by the network. Earn up to 4 category 1-A CME credits.
Continue reading Join us at the 2019 Annual Meeting!From the Director: Studies begin and end.
It has been quite an exciting year for DO-Touch.NET. At the end of August we completed the data collection phase of the OMM Utilization Study funded by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA). We are preparing to launch our new OMT Adverse Events Study in November. We also had our third annual Network Membership Meeting in September. Yes, the network has been quite busy.
Our third annual Network Membership Meeting was quite a success, held in Kirksville on September 4-6. In attendance were representatives from Capital Region Medical Center, Jefferson City, MO; Crossroads Premiere Health Care, Corvallis, OR; Kirksville Family Medicine, Kirksville, MO; Kirksville OMM Clinic, Kirksville, MO; Midwestern University Clinic, Glendale, AZ; Rocky Mountain Integrative Medicine, Ridgway, CO; and William J. Brooks, DO, PC, Kansas City, MO. The meeting fostered insightful discussions surrounding diagnoses that are addressed with OMT, diversity of manual diagnostic and therapeutic skills, and input on how to improve our current studies. We also hosted our first webinar detailing an interim analysis of data from the OMM Utilization Study and overviewing the methods and tools we will use in the OMT Adverse Events Study. Replay of the webinar will be available to all DO-Touch.NET members, so watch your email for details. In addition, everyone in attendance received 20 hours of category 1A CME credit from the AOA at no cost. Overall, the third annual Network Membership Meeting was extremely productive and we hope you will join us next year for the fourth annual meeting!
I am pleased and eager to announce that DO-Touch.NET has received funding from the AAO and ATSU for our new study on patient-reported adverse events from OMT. Please see page two for an article detailing the study and how to get involved!
In addition, research from DO-Touch.NET was recently published in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association on the preliminary findings of the pilot OMM Utilization Study (March 2014, Vol 114, No. 3, pp 154-170). Jane Johnson, DO-Touch.NET Associate Director, will be presenting additional findings from our pilot OMM Utilization Study at the OMED Annual Research Conference coming up in Seattle on October 26. Please come visit us at the poster session Sunday afternoon and see the product of the Network’s efforts. We look forward to seeing you all there.