Category Archives: News

Residency Research Enrichment Program

(Colorado Springs, Colorado.) On the Tuesday before the AAO Convocation DO-Touch.NET sponsored a Residency Research Enrichment Program to showcase the efforts of our Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN). The program encouraged Medical Residents and Medical Resident Directors to learn about using PBRN based research and to foster the next generation of clinician-researchers. The slides for the three presentations are linked here for our members.

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Earn up to 4 hours of AOA Category 1-A credits at the DO-Touch.NET Annual Meeting and Educational Seminar

Measuring the Impacts of OMM: Patient-reported Outcomes in the Clinical Setting

Just prior to the AAO Convocation, DO-Touch.NET will host our Annual Meeting on Wednesday morning (March 11, 2020; 8:00 AM-12:00 PM). During this meeting we will be introducing our new study, the OMT Effectiveness and Safety Patient Registry (OESPRY), scheduled to launch in 2020. This event provides details on patient reported outcomes and the importance of integrating them into an OMM practice and will provide up to 4 hours of AOA Category 1-A credits.  We hope you can attend!

For more information and registration please go to:

From The Director: 2020 Vision

The power of osteopathy has always been best illustrated by the success individual patients report from receiving manipulative care. The ability to touch, identify real problems that may or may not be perceived by the patient, and to provide relief from or cure of those problems has allowed osteopathy to flourish throughout the 20th century into a global healthcare approach. Science, a process of observation to increase understanding, has developed technologies that significantly improve humans’ ability to make observations. Humanity now has the capacity and opportunity of not only seeing the individual patient at specific moments and extrapolating the effect of care over time, but to observe large numbers of people over extended periods of time to increase understanding of dysfunctions/pathologies and treatment outcomes. In the past decade, DO-Touch.NET has grown from a vision of promoting OMM research to a global practice-based research network, finding ways to help patients and clinicians better understand the impact of osteopathy. As DO-Touch.NET begins its second decade, it has a new 2020 vision to help the osteopathic manipulative medicine community incorporate and sustain technologies in their offices to improve their ability to observe conditions over time,
empower patients to actively contribute to a deeper understanding of their condition and how interventions promote their progression to health. Based on this process, evidence and not just anecdote will demonstrate the true power of osteopathy. This is our 2020 vision, purpose, and passion.

DO-Touch.NET Travels to Germany

DO-Touch.NET was once again honored to attend the International VOD Congress in Bad Nauheim, Germany.  More than 400 participants celebrated the jubilee congress titled “We are Osteopathy”.  Additionally, this year’s program also hosted the global OIA (Osteopathic International Alliance) organization which is comprised of 25 nations from around the world. On the second day of the event, Dr. Brian Degenhardt, Director of DO-Touch.NET, addressed the congress with the opening lecture, “Osteopathische Grundlagenforschung des A.T. Still Research Institutes”. The A.T. Still Research Institute was also able to showcase their digital camera measurement system and advanced palpatory models which are used during Advancing Skills in Osteopathy Courses.  We also enjoyed visiting with our many DO-Touch.NET members at the congress booth!!! Thank you to our members for spending a few moments with us and to the VOD for making our stay in Germany so warm and welcoming.

August 26-30, 2019 Advancing Skills in Osteopathy Course

DO-Touch.NET, A.T. Still Research Institute, and the Research Support Department faculty and staff hosted an Advancing Skills in Osteopathy Course the week of August 26, 2019. We were honored to share our knowledge, skills, and state of the art technology with our participating group of Brazilian Osteopaths! In our newly renovated lab, participants received the most scientifically advanced training in palpation worldwide by engaging in evidence-based presentations on the neurobiology of palpation, and utilizing objective feedback to refine and standardize their fundamental palpation skills.