DO-Touch.NET was once again honored to attend the International VOD Congress in Bad Nauheim, Germany. More than 400 participants celebrated the jubilee congress titled “We are Osteopathy”. Additionally, this year’s program also hosted the global OIA (Osteopathic International Alliance) organization which is comprised of 25 nations from around the world. On the second day of the event, Dr. Brian Degenhardt, Director of DO-Touch.NET, addressed the congress with the opening lecture, “Osteopathische Grundlagenforschung des A.T. Still Research Institutes”. The A.T. Still Research Institute was also able to showcase their digital camera measurement system and advanced palpatory models which are used during Advancing Skills in Osteopathy Courses. We also enjoyed visiting with our many DO-Touch.NET members at the congress booth!!! Thank you to our members for spending a few moments with us and to the VOD for making our stay in Germany so warm and welcoming.