Check out the RESULTS from the February 2020 Technique of the Month! We reviewed a technique classified by the demonstrator as Cranial Manipulation or Biodynamics.
What were respondents’ choices to classify the demonstrated technique?
A large majority of respondents indicated Cranial Manipulation or Biodynamics (39/44 or 89%) as their first choice for categorizing this technique.
95% (42/44) of respondents listed Cranial Manipulation or Biodynamics as one of their first 3 choices for categorizing this technique.
What did respondents say when they learned the technique demonstrator classified the technique as Cranial Manipulation or Biodynamics?
Respondents who Agreed with the Classification of the Demonstrated Technique (Cranial Manipulation or Biodynamics was one of their 3 choices)
I really think that OCF should be separate from Biodynamics because one is based in anatomy (OCF) and the other one [is not].
Respondents who Disagreed with Classification of the Demonstrated Technique (Cranial Manipulation or Biodynamics was not one of their 3 choices)
I understood as a fluid technique because the practitioner used the fluid to make his diagnosis, but now I knew that he assessed the internal and external rotation, that gave him the diagnosis of MRP.
Did you miss your chance to review the February 2020 Technique of the Month video? Check it out and see whether you agree that the technique demonstrated falls into the category of Cranial Manipulation or Biodynamics.
Our thanks to Stephen Bergman for demonstrating this Technique of the Month and to our volunteer patient, Kelly Kirkland!
What do you think about the classification of this demonstrated technique as Cranial Manipulation or Biodynamics? Let’s talk about this below!