Check out the RESULTS from the September 2020 Technique of the Month! We reviewed a technique classified by the demonstrator as Myofascial Release.
What were respondents’ choices to classify the demonstrated technique?
38% (18/48) of respondents indicated Myofascial Release as their first choice for categorizing this technique, while 29% (14/48) listed Indirect or Functional Method.
A majority of respondents (30/48, 63%) of respondents listed Myofascial Release as one of their first 3 choices, while 42% (20/48) listed Indirect or Functional Method and 31% (15/48) listed Balanced Ligamentous Tension or Ligamentous Articular Strain.
What did respondents say when they learned the technique demonstrator classified the technique as Myofascial Release?
Respondents who Agreed with the Classification of the Demonstrated Technique (Myofascial Release was one of their 3 choices)
This technique could be both [Indirect or Functional Method and Myofascial Release] because one continues to monitor tissues after stacking in al planes indirectly. Actually I thought stacking is part of multiple types of techniques either direct or indirect in any balancing facial technique.
Respondents who Disagreed with Classification of the Demonstrated Technique (Myofascial Release was not one of their 3 choices)
The treatment was quick like a mobilization and the deep breath is an active muscle force action… Yes, usually the breath-in should be holding for longer time for am MET and MET for the diaphragm looks different, I see.
She held, not continual engaging release and it looked like she took it to ease, restrictive barriers were disengaged.
Stacking the vectors led me towards ‘functional’, even though the technique was performed into the barrier rather than disengaging it.
To me the emphasis was on finding the barrier and sticking with it only stopping to recheck overall mobility after holding the position into the direct barrier. I did not perceive the technique as following changes in the tissue with continuous readjustment of contact forces. If I had chosen a second choice for type of technique it would have been MFR.
She stacked all restricted movement and it seemed that she followed the dysfunctional pattern.
Did you miss your chance to review the September 2020 Technique of the Month video? Check it out and see whether you agree that the technique demonstrated falls into the category of Myofascial Release.
Our thanks to Kyrstin Ball, DO, for demonstrating this Technique of the Month and to our volunteer patient, Melissa Comstock!
What do you think about the classification of this demonstrated technique as Myofascial Release? Let’s talk about this below!